Spacetime Stress and the Fable of Black Holes

The basis of spacetime is time. Specifically, the rate of time.

A particle has a rate of time near zero within its volume.


% temporal_matter_energy

c = 299792458;

c_j = c^2/2 ; % Convert c^2 velocity to energy

mass_neutron = 1.674927498e-27; % Kilograms Verified to Codata

r_neutron = 8.31e-16 ; %

e_neutron = 1.674927498e-27 * c_j ; %

vol_neutron = (4/3)* pi() * r_neutron^3 ;

e_neutron_meter = e_neutron * (1/vol_neutron); % 3.1312e+34 Joules


A cubic meter volume of space at a time rate of zero (like a Black Hole) has an energy content of 3.1312e+34 Joules. Which is why Black Holes do not exist.

Proton-Proton repulsion is fantastically exaggerated by the empire to cover up the temporal repulsion between nucleons.

Giant stars and large atomic nuclei are both hollow because of the temporal sink. The temporal sink is the point where all the mass (giant stars) and all the nucleons (large nuclei) are removing time.

The time dilation of the temporal sink excludes both matter and nucleons.

The American’s Black Hole is an intentional perversion of the fundamental physics of spacetime.