function [sph_surf] = sphere_surf(sphere_radius)
%Calculate the volume of a sphere
sph_surf = 4* pi() * sphere_radius^2 ;
function [vol_sph] = sphere_vol(sphere_radius)
%Calculate the volume of a sphere
vol_sph = (4/3)* pi() * sphere_radius^3 ;
function [sphere_r] = vol_sphere(volume)
%Calculate the radius of a sphere from a volume
val_root = volume/ ((4/3)* pi()) ;
sphere_r = nthroot(val_root,3) ;
function [t_grad] = g_to_t_grad(g)
%Calculate temporal gradient from g
c=299792458; %Speed of light in meters
t_grad = ((g^2)/2)/ (c^2/2);
function [delta_surface] = delta_surf(radius)
% Trying to calculate the time dilation from mass and radius
r1 =radius^2 ;
r2 = (radius+ 1)^2 ;
delta_surface= 1-(r1/r2) ; %Always divide by delta surf
function [t_surface] = t_surf(mass, radius)
% Calculate surface time rate by mass and radius
% Uses delta_surf g_to_t_grad
delta_surface= delta_surf(radius);
c = 299792458.0;
c2 = c^2 ;
G = 6.67428e-11;
g_surf = ((mass * G)/ (radius^2)) ;
mass_t_grad = g_to_t_grad(g_surf) ;
t_surface = mass_t_grad/ delta_surface ;
function [t_core_rate] = t_core_linear(mass,radius,radius_of_int)
%Calculate the temporal rate within a mass (Whoops)
% Uses several outside functions
% r_interest is the radius in decimal
G = 6.67428e-11;
c = 299792458.0;
c_j = (c^2)/2 ;
mass_star = mass;
r_star = radius ;
t_surf_star = t_surf(mass_star,r_star) ;
t_core_int1 = radius_of_int / (r_star /2);
t_core_rate = ((t_surf_star *8)/ t_core_int1^3) ;
mass_proton = 1.672621923e-27 ; % Kilograms Verified to Codata
mass_neutron = 1.674927498e-27; % Kilograms Verified to Codata
mass_electron = 9.1093837015e-31; % Kilograms Verified to Codata
c_j = (c^2)/2 ;
e_neutron = mass_neutron * c_j ; %
r_neutron = 8.31e-16 ;
vol_neutron = sphere_vol(r_neutron) ;
e_mass = e_neutron * (1 /vol_neutron) ; % 3.131235572540774e+34 Joules per cubic meter
function [photon_rate] = t_photon_ver_2(nm)
% Convert photon to a temporal stress
% Correct wavelength volume using photon energy
c = 299792458;
c_j = c^2/2 ;
unit_nm = 1e-9 ;
ev = 1.602176487e-19; % In Joules
r_neutron = 8.31e-16 ; % Corrected Value to PK
e_neutron = 1.674927498e-27 * c_j ; %
vol_neutron = (4/3)* pi() * r_neutron^3 ; ;
e_neutron_meter = e_neutron * (1 / vol_neutron);
h = 6.62607015e-34 ; % Planck’s constant
a = nm * 1e-9 ;
b = c / a ; % Frequency
j_photon = b * h ;
e_vol_correction = 18 / (1+(j_photon/(100 * ev))); % Arbitrary Modify to Observations
vol_photon = (4/3)* pi() * ((nm/e_vol_correction)* unit_nm)^3 ; %
e_photon_meter = j_photon * (1/vol_photon) ;
tp = (e_photon_meter/e_neutron_meter) ; % tp = c3 * (e_photon_meter/e_neutron_meter_2)
photon_rate = (nthroot(tp,3)) ;
function [t_rate_solid] = t_solid_pk(density_meter)
% Superificial Calculation of temporal rate in transparent solid
% density in kilograms per cubic meter
% modified for Planck’s Constant 18 April 2022
% modified for 3 dimensions 20 April 2022
c = 299792458;
c3 = c^3 ;
c_j = c^2/2 ;
r_neutron = 8.31e-16 ; % Calculated new vlues from PK
vol_neutron = sphere_vol(r_neutron) ;
e_neutron = 1.674927498e-27 * c_j ; %
e_density_neutron = e_neutron * (1 / vol_neutron); % Half the inverse value of Planck’s constant
mass_pure_neutrons = e_density_neutron/ c_j ; % How much one cubic meter of neutrons would weigh
mass_factor_2 = density_meter /mass_pure_neutrons ; %NEW
mass_factor_2a = c3 * mass_factor_2 ; %NEW
mass_factor_2b = nthroot(mass_factor_2a, 3) ; %NEW
t_rate_solid = mass_factor_2b / c ; %NEW
e_density_neutron_meter_pk = 3.131e+34 ; % Modified e neutron meter
space_factor = (e_density_neutron / (density_meter * c_j)) * vol_neutron ;
val_root = space_factor/ ((4/3)* pi()) ;
radius_space = nthroot(val_root,3) ;
t_r = c3 / (radius_space / r_neutron)^2;
t_rate_solid_1 = t_vel_j(nthroot(t_r ,3)) ;
%t_rate_solid = ((1 + t_rate_solid_1)^3) – 1 ; % 3 Dimensions???
% g_equation_earth_correction
% Web Version
% Gravitational force increases as you approach center of mass
% Proves existence of temporal gravity and the temporal sink at the center
% of mass
G = 6.67428e-11;
c = 299792458.0;
c_j = (c^2)/2 ;
g_m_trench = 9.81819952595085/9.79858764101614 ; % About 1.002 higher than at the surface above the Marianas trench
mass_earth = 5.97237e24 ;
r_earth = 6378136.7; %m
vol_earth = sphere_vol(r_earth);
density_earth = mass_earth / vol_earth ;
t_surf_earth = t_surf(mass_earth,r_earth) ;
surf_earth = sphere_surf(r_earth) ;
g_earth = (G * mass_earth)/ r_earth^2 ;
t_grad_earth = g_to_t_grad(g_earth) ;
x_earth_scale = [] ;
y1_map_axis = [] ;
y2_map_axis = [] ;
for step=0:1:501
r_step = (r_earth /2) + (step * .001 * r_earth); % 6378136.7 6378.1367
% Gravity in Marianas Trench should read high 9.81819952595085/9.79858764101614
% Inverse RADIUS
g_surf_earth = (G * mass_earth) / (r_step)^2 ;
gt_surf_earth = g_to_t_grad(g_surf_earth) ;
[t_core_rate] = t_core_linear(mass_earth,r_earth,r_step) ;
x_axis_scale = r_step / r_earth ; % Sun scale
x_earth_scale = [x_earth_scale; x_axis_scale] ; % Sun scale
y1_map_axis = [y1_map_axis; g_surf_earth] ;
y2_map_axis = [y2_map_axis; t_core_rate] ;
top_plot = 2 ;
subplot(top_plot,1,1); %Plot
grid on ;
axis([0.5 inf 0 50]) ;
xlabel(‘Earth Radius’) ;
ylabel(‘Acceleration In Meters’) ;
subplot(top_plot,1,2); %Plot
grid on ;
axis([0.5 inf 0 inf]) ;
xlabel(‘Earth Radius’) ;
ylabel(‘Temporal Core Rate’) ;

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