The Velocity of Photons in Transparent Solids

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function [vol_sph] = sphere_vol(sphere_radius)
%Calculate the volume of a sphere
vol_sph = (4/3)* pi() * sphere_radius^3 ;
function [tvj_dilation] = t_vel_j(velocity)
%Calculate Dilation in SpaceTime Velocity
% Detailed explanation goes here
c=299792458; %Speed of light in meters
tvj_dilation =(velocity^2)/(c^2) ;
function [j_photon] = e_photon_nm(wavelength_nm)
% Relating electron velocity to energy and wavelength
% Electron velocity may give me more information
ev = 1.602176487e-19; % In Joules
c = 299792458; %Speed of light in meters
h = 6.62607015e-34 ; % Planck’s constant
mass_electron = 9.1093837015e-31; % Kilograms Verified to Codata
% [v_electron,dil_electron,j_photon,ev_photon] For different outputs
a = wavelength_nm * 1e-9 ;
b = c / a ; % Frequency
j_photon = b * h ;
v_electron = sqrt((j_photon* 2)/mass_electron) ;
dil_electron = v_electron^2 / c^2 ;
ev_photon = j_photon / ev ; %Energy in Electron volts
function [t_rate_solid] = t_solid_pk(density_meter)
% Superificial Calculation of temporal rate
% density in kilograms per cubic meter
c = 299792458;
c3 = c^3 ;
c_j = c^2/2 ;
r_neutron = 8.31e-16 ; % Calculated new vlues from PK
vol_neutron = sphere_vol(r_neutron) ;
e_neutron = 1.674927498e-27 * c_j ; %
e_density_neutron = e_neutron * (1 / vol_neutron); % Half the inverse value of Planck’s constant
mass_pure_neutrons = e_density_neutron/ c_j ; % How much one cubic meter of neutrons would weigh
mass_factor_2 = density_meter /mass_pure_neutrons ; %NEW
mass_factor_2a = c3 * mass_factor_2 ; %NEW
mass_factor_2b = nthroot(mass_factor_2a, 3) ; %NEW
t_rate_solid = mass_factor_2b / c ; %NEW
e_density_neutron_meter_pk = 3.131e+34 ; % Modified e neutron meter
space_factor = (e_density_neutron / (density_meter * c_j)) * vol_neutron ;
val_root = space_factor/ ((4/3)* pi()) ;
radius_space = nthroot(val_root,3) ;
t_r = c3 / (radius_space / r_neutron)^2;
t_rate_solid_1 = t_vel_j(nthroot(t_r ,3)) ;
%t_rate_solid = ((1 + t_rate_solid_1)^3) – 1 ; % 3 Dimensions???
function [photon_rate] = t_photon_ver_2(nm)
% Convert photon to a temporal stress
% 11 June 2022
% Correct wavelength volume using photon energy
c = 299792458;
c_j = c^2/2 ;
unit_nm = 1e-9 ;
ev = 1.602176487e-19; % In Joules
r_neutron = 8.31e-16 ; % Corrected Value to PK
e_neutron = 1.674927498e-27 * c_j ; %
vol_neutron = (4/3)* pi() * r_neutron^3 ; ;
e_neutron_meter = e_neutron * (1 / vol_neutron);
h = 6.62607015e-34 ; % Planck’s constant
a = nm * 1e-9 ;
b = c / a ; % Frequency
j_photon = b * h ;
e_vol_correction = 18 / (1+(j_photon/(100 * ev)));
vol_photon = (4/3)* pi() * ((nm/e_vol_correction)* unit_nm)^3 ; % Arbitrary
e_photon_meter = j_photon * (1/vol_photon) ;
tp = (e_photon_meter/e_neutron_meter) ; % tp = c3 * (e_photon_meter/e_neutron_meter_2)
photon_rate = (nthroot(tp,3)) ;
function [v_true,v_dilation] = e_tk(time_rate,velocity)
%Calculate the true kinetic energy of a mass in dilated spacetime
%This is why star debris from supernovas accelerates(possibly) as the time
%dilation of the star dissipates with expansion.
c = 299792458.0;
c2 = c^2 ;
c_j = (c^2)/2 ;
% Time Rate to velocity
time_rate_to_vel1 = time_rate * c_j ; % Only works up to .707c
vel_seed = sqrt(time_rate_to_vel1);
x_term = 2 – (2* (vel_seed^2 / c^2));
e_vel_c_var = (vel_seed^2 * 1) / x_term ;
e_ratio_mass =(e_vel_c_var / c2) ;
while (e_ratio_mass < time_rate)
c_test = vel_seed;
x_term = 2 – (2* (vel_seed^2 / c^2));
e_vel_c_var = (vel_seed^2 * 1) / x_term;
e_ratio_mass =(e_vel_c_var / c2) ;
c_10 = c_test + 10;
vel_seed = c_10;
v_dilation = (vel_seed – 10) ;
x_term_a = 2 – (2* (v_dilation^2 / c^2));
e_vel_c_var_a = (v_dilation^2 * 1) / x_term_a ;
v_inertial = v_dilation + velocity ;
x_term_b = 2 – (2* (v_inertial^2 / c^2));
e_vel_c_var_b = (v_inertial^2 * 1) / x_term_b ;
x_term_c = 2 – (2* (velocity^2 / c^2));
e_vel_c_var_c = (velocity^2 * 1) / x_term_c ;
v_true = sqrt(e_vel_c_var_b – e_vel_c_var_a) ;
vel_increase = v_true / velocity ;
% silica_plot_web_d
c = 299792458;
c_j = c^2/2 ;
ps = 1e-12 ;
meter_ps = (1/c) / ps ; % Picosecond meter for 1 sec
c_1000 = c / 1000 ; % light in kilometers
km_ps = (1 / c_1000) / ps ; % Light takes this many picoseconds to cover a kilometer.
% The refractive index multiplied by this number tells you how much longer a
% slower beam of light will take to cross the same distance.
% Manually Interpolated From silicaindexofrefractionversuswavelength.gif
si_data = [600 1.4576;650 1.4565;700 1.4554;750 1.4543;800 1.4533;850 1.4526;900 1.4517;…
950 1.4510;1000 1.4504;1050 1.4497;1100 1.4492;1150 1.4485;…
1200 1.4480;1250 1.4475;1300 1.4470;1350 1.4465;1400 1.4458;1450 1.4453;…
1500 1.4446;1550 1.4440;1600 1.4434;1650 1.4426;1700 1.4418] ;
% Manually Interpolated From Newport Fiber_Basics.pdf
silica_dispersion_data = [600 -290;650 -225;700 -170;750 -130;800 -105;850 -80;900 -64;…
950 -50;1000 -40;1050 -30;1100 -22;1150 -18;…
1200 -12;1250 -7;1300 +2;1350 8;1400 12;1450 15;…
1500 18;1550 20;1600 20;1650 20;1700 20] ;
% A crude calculation for the temporal dilation within silica.A complete
% equation would have to integrate all the temporal spaces in any form of
% dense matter at nearly atomic level scales. It is usually better than 50%
% accurate.
[t_rate_silica] = t_solid_pk(2203) ;
x_map_axis = [] ;
y1_map_axis = [] ;
y2_map_axis = [] ;
y3_map_axis = [] ;
y4_map_axis = [] ;
y5_map_axis = [] ;
y6_map_axis = [] ;
for step=1:1:23
si_dis = silica_dispersion_data(step,2) ; % Dispersion data
% Fresnel Parameters
c_time_rate_f = (si_data(step,2));
v_time_rate_f = 1/c_time_rate_f ;
v_photon_km_f =4.826672457e+06 -(c_time_rate_f * km_ps) ; % 1300nm zero
% Temporal Parameters Synthetic Refraction
e_nm = e_photon_nm(photon_test) ;
% Photon energy stress in spacetime
[photon_rate] = t_photon_ver_2(photon_test) ;
% Photon velocity reduction by temporal stress in a solid
photon_solid = t_rate_silica + (photon_rate / t_rate_silica) ;
% Temporal correction factor of velocity within time dilated spacetime
[v_true,v_dilation] = e_tk(photon_solid,1000) ;
c_v_dilation = (c – v_dilation) / c ;
v_photon_km_syn =3.3544e+06 – ((1 / c_v_dilation) * km_ps) ; % 1300nm zero
x_map_axis = [x_map_axis; photon_test] ;
y1_map_axis = [y1_map_axis; c_time_rate_f] ;
y2_map_axis = [y2_map_axis; v_time_rate_f] ;
y3_map_axis = [y3_map_axis; v_photon_km_f] ;
y4_map_axis = [y4_map_axis; si_dis] ;
y5_map_axis = [y5_map_axis; c_v_dilation] ;
y6_map_axis = [y6_map_axis; v_photon_km_syn] ;
ref_1300 = y6_map_axis(15,1) ;
end_plot = 6 ;
subplot(end_plot,1,1) ;
plot(x_map_axis,y1_map_axis,’r’) ; %Plot
legend(‘Silica Refractive Index’); %
legend(‘Location’,’northeast’) ;
grid on; %Turn on grid
xlabel(‘Photon NM’)
ylabel(‘Silica Refractive Index’)
subplot(end_plot,1,2) ;
plot(x_map_axis,y2_map_axis,’r’) ; %Plot
legend(‘Internal Dogma Velocity vs Wavelength’); %
legend(‘Location’,’southeast’) ;
grid on; %Turn on grid
xlabel(‘Photon NM’)
ylabel(‘Decimal Velocity c’)
subplot(end_plot,1,3) ;
plot(x_map_axis,y3_map_axis,’r’) ; %Plot
legend(‘Picoseconds Per Kilometer centered @1300nm’); %
legend(‘Location’,’southeast’) ;
grid on; %Turn on grid
xlabel(‘Photon NM’)
ylabel(‘Dogma Dispersion’)
subplot(end_plot,1,4) ;
plot(x_map_axis,y4_map_axis,’b’) ; %Plot
legend(‘Picoseconds Per Kilometer to 1500nm’ ); %
legend(‘Location’,’southeast’) ;
grid on; %Turn on grid
xlabel(‘Photon NM’)
ylabel(‘Silica Dispersion’)
subplot(end_plot,1,5) ;
plot(x_map_axis,y5_map_axis,’b’) ; %Plot
legend(‘Internal Synthetic Velocity vs Wavelength’); %
legend(‘Location’,’southeast’) ;
grid on; %Turn on grid
xlabel(‘Photon NM’)
ylabel(‘Decimal Velocity c’)
subplot(end_plot,1,6) ;
plot(x_map_axis,y6_map_axis,’b’) ; %Plot
legend(‘Picoseconds Per Kilometer to 1500nm’ ); %
legend(‘Location’,’southeast’) ;
grid on; %Turn on grid
xlabel(‘Photon NM’)
ylabel(‘Synthetic Dispersion’)

None of the equations or theories on this website are written in stone. Most of the hard data either never existed or it has been scrubbed from the literature. The FBI is more interested in a scientist’s library card than it is in a terrorists.

Many of the people reading this do have access to either the hard data or the equipment to obtain hard data. If my equations produce an error feel free to correct the equations.

The concepts of temporal physics were found by the Anglo-American empire no later than the 1960’s. Institutional educational conditioning directly contradicts these concepts.

General Relativity, Black Holes, Neutrinos and the Standard Model for Particle Physics appear to be entirely fictional.  The real physics can be found in American Industry, ballistic missile guidance, submarine guidance, and the advanced optics of American spy satellites. As you see, real physics was put to good use.

These concepts will give you new tools to apply to observations. Modify them as you see fit.

And MatLab cannot use a spellchecker because people would turn it off anyway. It would be nice if MatLab did have a psellchecker for the comments.